Many people wonder if their amount of debt is too little or too much to file bankruptcy. There are no restrictions or limitations about how much debt a person must have to file bankruptcy.
Some people may have less than $10,000 debt living on a limited income. In this instance, filing bankruptcy may be the thing to do.
Other people may have $50,000 or more in debt with a good income. Depending on their speci c circumstances, bankruptcy may or may not be the thing to do.
If you are wondering if bankruptcy is right for you and you live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, call Church and Korhonen, PC today to learn about your options.
We service clients in Sault Sainte Marie, Menominee, Calumet, Crystal City, Marquette, Escanaba, Manistique, Rapid River, Ishpeming, Gwinn and beyond.
Call me today to see if bankruptcy is right for you.
Cathy Church
(800) 758-5611
(906) 226-0001